Best friends
Best friendsit some mythical idea of the perfect person we like to say we have in elementary or high school? Is it some prize we’ve won? Is it the best thing someone could ever have? The answer to all of these questions is actually yes. But there’s a lot more to this story. My best friend knows me as well as I know myself — sometimes better. She has a lot of other close friends and I have some as well. But if someone asked me right now who my “best friend” was, she’d definitely nail it. She’s been nailing it for almost three decades. My best friend has dragged me out from the depths of despair when no one else was watching. My best friend held me all night when my heart exploded and my pride was shattered. My best friend cradled me in the midst of debilitating heartbreak. My best friend has been a hell of a lot more than just a friend. She’s been a sister, a partner, a roommate, a mother figure and — at times — even an enemy. She told me the truth when ...